Welcome to my crafty outlet. A beautiful creative space, powered by rainbows! Join us in Point Clare (NSW Australia) for craft workshops in a myriad of mediums, because we like to explore, create, inspire and share.

kids backpack bag full art supplies pencils scissors paint

Kids Craft Workshops

Are for children aged 6-12 and run after school for a 10 week term. Together we unfold and explore different craft genres to develop skills and inspire new passions.
Click here for more info…

Private Craft Workshops

Can be booked at any time. For adults or kids, they’re great for a birthday, hens, or any old social gathering with a creativity bonus! Explore your choice of craft and take home a beautiful finished project you made yourself.
Click here for more info…

Craft Unfolded defined…

noun,plural craft. an art, trade, or occupation requiring special skill, especially manual skill

verb unfold. to reveal or disclose in words, especially by careful or systematic exposition; set forth; explain.